Woran liegt der Geruch an meinem Penis?
Hallo alle zusammen,
unzwar ist es so wenn meine Vorhaut über der Eichel bleibt das mein Penis beginnt nach schon einem Tag etwas zu riechen. Jedoch wenn ich die Vorhaut zurückhabe dann riecht er selbst nach 2-3 Tagen nicht. Woran liegt das jetzt genau und was sollte ich tun?
danke im vorraus
Intimate are mucous membranes. With women as well. With regular intimacy, you don’t suffocate. The exception that someone hangs directly with the nose is rare and before these occasions one washes again anyway.
If you retract the foreskin, the things that produce odor (urine residues, for example) are dried on the acorn. It may smell less than damp.
Is it unhealthy to hold back the foreskin?
Well, unhealthy maybe not, but not very clever. The Pre-skin has the task of normally automatically sliding forward again and again and again and thus protecting the acorn, e.g. Before desensitising. Why do you want this voluntarily?
Withdrawal, you can try for a short time, but lastingly I would guess. Otherwise you’ll be angry sooner or later about doing this! If, for example, from a supposedly longer : a longer Must be will. Sensitivity that’s gone doesn’t come back!
But how long you have to go.
But so much can it not affect how long you can
You might think so now. Life is long!
It wouldn’t be that badly honest for me. But I will not wear it permanently back
It’s normal as long as you’re still uncircumcised. The foreskin is a place where bacteria feel comfortable and multiply. This leads to a quick stink and acorn cheese. If you leave the foreskin the acorn remains dry and the bacteria do not multiply. It’s even better to leave your foreskin completely…
If you wash your glans in the morning, lunch and after every use with warm water and soap, there is no smell. M
That’s normal. Under the preskin, sweat, urine residues, sperm residues collect, and by the warm-humid milieu also bacteria grow under the preskin
that is, if the preskin remains, it will also smell less and less bacteria multiply. Is there any drawbacks if I keep you back?
From principle yes. But the pulled back fore skin forms a bead behind the acorn, so dirt can accumulate.
Also, the pulled back foreskin can swell behind the acorn and cord it off. It is best if everything is smooth behind the acorn, so no more moving skin.
I can’t find any disadvantages for myself, I’m cut.
I have a slightly narrower foreskin, but it doesn’t interfere, it’s just a little narrower in one place.
How do you mean snoop?
A not narrowed fore skin does not swell
Also a not too tight can swell
Also, the pulled back foreskin can swell behind the acorn and sniff it off
But that only happens when the foreskin is too tight
What about washing?
I do anyway, but I still wonder
You can’t wash as much as it starts to muffle