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Hi Ich Junge (16) komm jetzt in die 10. Klasse und weiß aber nicht was ich für ein Beruf machen soll. Ich mach Abitur aber dann weiß ich nicht weiter. Ich finde die Berufe Arzt und Pilot interessant. Mir geht es darum viel Geld zu verdienen (Minimum 4000 Euro im Monat. Deshalb will ich einen…
Wie kann man Schweizer Noten zu deutschen Noten umrechnen?
Also zeugnisnoten
Because there are too many applicants with better qualifications. Even craftsmen complete a primary school degree, was accepted only at least real school or Abi
Probably because the level has fallen.
There is a YouTube channel called «Marta loves math». Among other things, math tasks from the 5th class in the GDR are presented.
You can judge yourself how hard this is for you.
Background: In the GDR all pupils went to a school until the 8th grade, called Polytechnic High School (POS). A very small part then left the school with the lowest school leaving in the GDR. A second, very small part changed to the Advanced High School (EOS) and made the Abitur until 12. The mass of pupils remained until the 10th and acquired the normal school degree.
Greeting Matti
Final examination 10. Great, 1990 in the GDR. A few months before reunification.
The level of the financial statements has fallen extremely.
This is like inflation in the euro.