Woran könnte es liegen, dass mein PC plötzlich an Leistung verliert, obwohl die Hardware eigentlich stark genug ist (Ryzen 7, 1080TI, 32 GB RAM)? Temperatur?
Woran könnte es liegen, dass mein PC plötzlich an Leistung verliert, obwohl die Hardware eigentlich stark genug ist (Ryzen 7, 1080TI, 32 GB RAM)? Temperaturproblem?
How are you doing this?
That can be a cause. But it can also be on Windows. Because the system is completely reset. This frees from all old loads
Could it be a wrong driver?
Also possible
what do you determine the power loss?
Benchmarks are good for this: 3dmark on Steam free demo. Or in the Microsoft Store cinebench for CPU performance
Thank you.
Temperature could be it or too high vRam consumption – there is a texture upgrade from the game and it becomes scarce.
The temperature is constant to 90 degrees. That’s why I made the PC just yesterday
All right, just reinstalling is not the solution. Clean well and add new paste to everything.
Oh, I thought it got worse within 3h because you wrote it up.
This is exactly the problem with the paste – that is to say, there is also a lack of contact pressure, the fan does not sit well. Repaste and after that is good. At the CPU are the 5€ for a paste, must be nix expensive and then a few minutes work.
Graphics card is often more timely, but depends on it – all very carefully.
Ne, that was all the time at 900, and it’s just a 20% load
So if there were no temperature problems before 3h and suddenly 90°C+ I would think about a defective cooling.
Paste already makes a difference but even if the old one should not drive the temperature up so strongly, especially not in 3h.
My father knows it!
Jo clear. Look at YouTube, that means “repaste”. Earthing is important when you are insecure asking someone to build the PCs. I’ll do it professionally.
Thanks for the detailed answer!
So when it’s fresh, it’s not very, but it’s hardening. This is intended to support the heat transfer between the heat source and cooling – thinly applied because air cushions otherwise form between two metal surfaces. If it’s hard, it doesn’t work anymore, it makes hotspots and the components thrott.
Does the paste make such a big difference?
Well, the GPU is already ultra old, if there’s still nix, it would be time.
Wakü shouldn’t have high temps, so the paste will crumble.
I have a water cooling of be quiet and three ventilators
What’s your cooling?
But the PC ran liquid for 3 hours, but then no longer