Woran erkennt man gute Kontaktlinsen?
Ich habe mir diesen Monat mal billigere Kontaktlinsen bestellt. Meine alten Kontaktlinsen (Air Optix Color) haben mir Augen Probleme zubereitet. Da sie mit 33% water content eben wenig Sauerstoff nur durchließen. Und jetzt habe ich nach längerer Recherche Kontaktlinsen aus Malaysia mit folgenden Werten geholt:
Diameter 14.5mm
High water content (55%) -> Grund für Holen der kontsktlinsen
UVA & UVB protection
1-3 months.
Ich habe die Linsen schon anprobiert. Und muss wirklich sagen, sie sind mega bequem. Man spürt sie nicht mal. Ganz anders wie die Linsen davor (Air Optix). Ich habe irgendwie nur Sorge, dass sie meinen Augen schaden auf Dauer. Weil sie eben recht billig sind und aus Malaysia kommen. Gibt es da irgendwelche Qualitätsunterschiede? Ist meine Sorge berechtigt?
With contact lenses it is always difficult to speak of generally “good” or generally “bad” lenses. Because every eye is different and lenses that are good for me because the material fits my eyes, they sit well and have the right size can be completely unsuitable for you. When you buy contact lenses for good luck on the net, you always run the risk that they are not good for your eyes. Also, you don’t have any indications about quality. You will only get this if you let them fit professionally with an optician or an optician. Just because they feel good doesn’t mean they’re good for you. It’s a widespread deception.
did you have your old color lenses adapted to your eyes by an optician/contact lens adaptor?
… and that’s the problem: with soft lenses you think it’s all great.
The lenses hold 1-3 months? What disinfection/cleaning solution do you have? Does the solution have the lens material? And with your tear film? Or are your eyes irritated by the CL or the care agent for short or long?
It can happen to you that after years of wear on the edge of the cornea small blood vessels occur which can grow into the cornea, because the lenses leave too little oxygen on your corneal, or the admissible daily wearing time is exceeded, or the lenses are not properly disinfected, and and and.
Yes, your concern is justified. The quality of the Malaysia lenses cannot be checked here… here is a link to quality differences of contact lenses –>
Good contact lenses can only be the contact lenses that have been glued to your eyes by an optic master. With all other lenses, the danger is far too great that irreparable eye damage is caused.