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Ab wann gilt ein Frontscheiben Frontblitzer als ausgerüstet?
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Peek and Cloppenburg zuhause bezahlen?
Hey Leute und zwar möchte ich mir bei Peek and Cloppenburg eine Jacke kaufen und da sind mehrere Optionen die zu kaufen. Da steht z.B Lieferung an Rechnungsadresse, ist es dann so das ich es vor der Tür bezahlen kann?
You can’t see that. You have to trust your guts.
For me there are always a few things I care about (not at concerts but football matches)
What I care about classifieds:
1. How long has the user been there with this profile?
Two. Does the user have other ads
If a user is there for a few days and has no other ads, I’d rather not. Of course, there can also be a good person behind it
3. Pickup possible?
No one sells fake tickets to their own front door
4. “Hart tickets” buy + shipping
Five. Go in to the hall opening.
“Fake tickets” aren’t really “false tickets anymore. In times of Print@home you can print every ticket as often as you want. Only the first one comes in. Therefore it is also advisable to go early to the hall/stadium.
If you buy them for example at eventim
Sure, but they’re all sold out and there’s only a few small tickets
absolutely not. the barcode or QR code is crucial. Even if the ticket is real it can be sold 100x, only the first one comes in with it.
directly at eventim. only not in small advertisements.
where the difference is do you think I can get some? where is the difference of premium package and premium seat?
If you stand at the entrance and get in with it