Woran erkenne ich ob ein Druck mit Laserjet gedruckt wurde?


Für die Gelli Printing Methode suche ich Magazin Drucke auf Flohmärkten usw.
Dafür dürfen die Magazine aber nur mit Toner gedruckt sein, damit der Druck auch übertragen wird.

Kann man an dem Print selbst erkennen, ob das mit oder ohne Toner gedruckt wurde?

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11 months ago

The recognition of the printing method requires comprehensive knowledge and sufficient magnification.

Most magazines are printed in offset. This is a modification of lithography. The printing roller is provided with a hydrophilic surface in which the printing surfaces have been rendered hydrophobic. First, this roller is moistened to clean the background (=white). A fat-based printing ink is then applied, which is transferred to the printing paper by means of transfer rolls (out of rubber). This is much faster than the toner pressure with electrostatically charged printing cylinders, which must be labeled again before each individual pressure.

It probably only helps to buy individual copies of the desired magazines to make the sample whether their printing process works.