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Brain is like the name already says not meat but brain. There’s no brain meat.
It is very soft and of the consistency “glibberig”. Therefore, it is not possible to cut it into slices, as you can see it more often in TV series/films, except you can freeze it before.
She’s got a little bit of her own taste, but the little thing you taste, I’d call it “nuty.”
How I know: I am a learned butcher!
Very delicate and soft, but also gum-like if we want to talk about consistency.
Tastefully it tastes like a mixture of bloody steak and marzipan, a little skurril.
You can test it yourself by asking the Fleischer to Bries.
Since when did the calf have the brain in the chest?!
It’s like pastry. I haven’t eaten it since BSE.
Hi, anonymouse83.
For me it tastes “undefinable”.
I’ve tried this as a kid with my grandma, and that’s enough for my whole life….
Greetings, Renate.