Wonach schmeckt frittierte Calamari ( also ungefähr )?

Hab vorhin was zu essen bestellt und hab ein Gutschein bekommen für meine nächste Bestellung.. 8 frittierte Calamari kostenlos zuzüglich

Sind Calamaris nicht teuer ?? Nicht das es verdorben ist und sie es loswerden wollen

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2 years ago

To fish

2 years ago

They won’t give away any spoiled calamari, what makes that sense? No money and risk ad …

2 years ago

The taste note moves between umami and greasy, with a slight tangent note and light red staromas. Overall (in pastry) fried squid is rather mild in the aroma and no “taste explosion”. Dips with different flavors and lemon are also available.

2 years ago

Is fried squid and not more expensive than other dishes on the map… Tastes a little by sea but more fat and less fishy than shrimps (which hardly taste for fish)