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Investing in meaningful things. But, as with all, secure investments will only take a profit for a long time.
However, the capital for investment must first be developed. No one makes a fortune from a small amount by pushing it back and forth on the stock exchange.
That’s true, of course. I don’t mean directly to the stock exchange either.
deceive and beautiful coloring
and with the
I have decided to build assets on equity investments and have not regretted so far.
The only real source of income is work or self-employment. Investment is only worthwhile when you have worked out your capital.
Just need to find and operate a market gap.
Prostitution – one of the oldest services in the world. It’s just fun. I don’t know. Must be in something good that makes a lot of money and is in demand. Rich people take risks
I’m making good money as an airliner.
Small cap value ETFs.
With his working force….
With highly qualified work
Are you living behind the moon?
Obviously you have zero idea what’s going on in highly qualified jobs and what’s going to be earned.
In leadership positions still quite common today! That’s not bullshit.
Didn’t you read the question above? Or not understood?
What you’re talking about is all about.
Whoever works in a highly qualified profession deserves a lot of money. Ready.
in Germany, only because there are not enough places to study. a high level of qualification is already scary distribution problems. the karriereleite becomes narrower at the top. if you had a clue, you would know what a quash that is
I’ve been doing that for many years. Very successful.
And…♪” you do.
then become rich, and work highly qualified, instead of pooping around
look at the social, ecological, and economic failure of the corporations.
also professors, politicians and intentional have lost all ground liability.
tax wasting, giving up mistakes, splitting of the society, millions of settlement speeches. that has nix to do with arveit
Whoever has a leadership posture has had to work hard. You don’t seem to know what it means to climb up career ladder..Bist probably a troll!!!
that do not work, lead only. also is more cortuption than work.