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So far it has never been important to marry, but since I have the right partner on my side I want it already and this year it will be so far. :
Cool good luck to you
I was married once. My friend, too.
We both don’t want to get married anymore. We don’t even live in a common apartment. Everybody does his own thing. And that’s good too. Each of us deserves so well – he much more than me – that no one depends on us.
He’s been in the Philippines since Monday. Diving, he does it three times a year. He’s back in February. I look forward to this, but I’m not dependent on him – and he’s not me.
Love is death for me. I’ve been dead for a long time.
And since I don’t want a relationship anymore, the subject is chopped off. I’ve had all my relationships and I’ve killed myself enough sexually. And I’ve been through it twice, I accept you as you are with your illnesses and mistakes, and later I don’t know if I can. I’m so emotionally blunt anyway. Didn’t even ask for love. I’m already too emotionally blunt. And quite honestly, I am an independent natural photographer and private photographer as long as I want to consume my money for myself and my hobbies are going after sometime, the big snacks then go no longer because of my mentioned pre-disorders. And before I make false hopes during getting to know and date, and then I’ll let it be disappointed or the relationship runs generally then I’ll let it get better mentally. for a possible ONS I would be open, but I would no longer like a fixed binding that is like a footrest for me.
It is better to be alone than being with someone who gives you the feeling to be alone.
Dating is for women like shopping, for men like a job interview.
As a man you always have the feeling of being a bitemaker”
Amen! In this respect, this tendency to live single is a great sign of increasing self-esteem.
Who can be good alone is never lonely.
I see marriage from experiences in my environment rather as a bondage to life. After the wedding, no one is more tired.
Right 👍😎
Apart from that, it is always dangerous that a person can then be fed by the other with maintenance etc.
I can’t confirm that.
I’ve never seen that before. The couples in my environment take the whole thing very seriously and actively work on their marriage
In my environment, it was always either that the woman has married and then, with intention, made the men mentally ready to provoke a divorce and e.g. to cash the house and ne nice maintenance payment or vice versa, it was often so that the women were very nice but the men did nothing more, only with friends in the bar or on the way, and left the woman alone at home.
In my opinion, marriage is meaningless and only bondage. If I love a person, I can connect without noticeing this in any paper.
I want to get married. Of course, only if it’s the right…
Marry. I never wanted to marry before, but by now I’d like to get married sometime
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Yeah, I’d like to marry you. 🤗✨
LG Maike
at that time I never wanted to marry but now somehow because the bzh somehow remembered more
We don’t know if we get married. It is not excluded:-)
No, neither.
I don’t care!
-> as long as I have someone who finds it okay if I don’t want my own children
The right thing I would marry anyway
Ne I’m just not made for both
I don’t even want one near me. Better stay alone.
If I’d known what was waiting for me, I would have married NIE!!! 👍😎
What was or is what expected you?
Not what you want or hope for!
In any case marry
I’m married.
We got married after 15 years of living together.
I am.
Tax advantages.
Yes, I want
With harun ruki?
I don’t want to marry.
Definitely marry
We got married.