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Yeah, I want to, and that’s what my boss knows. He sees me as a possible successor when he retires. Just because we are also working on skills that I still lack or are still worthy of improvement. So I’m sure I haven’t got the job yet, there’s also a second possible person internally, but if I developed as desired by then, I’d be the favorite.
I am not concerned that I would like to make a career because of course, but that I would simply like to take more and more responsibility from nature, to represent him in some issues already if he is not here and therefore already knows a lot. I am also interested in some of the themes that will then be added. Not all, but they also belong to it.
In higher positions than my boss, I don’t currently see myself, but that can still come with time, just when I’m in his position. I couldn’t have imagined my boss 10 years ago, but you’ve changed too. So I wouldn’t be categorical about it, I’m just not (yet?) like I am now.
So I’m talking about the work and responsibility I like to do and not any important job titles or reputation.
What a fool. I hate life as an employee and would never spend a second more than an employee.
The career leaders aren’t right. Too much effort for a hit in the face at the end of the month.
My opinion.
I’m sick of wage managers.
I used to have much more responsibility, less leisure and less money. Then I was lucky and got more money for less responsibility.
I’ll stay nice where I am. I can do my job alone, money is enough.
No more responsibility. I want others to take care of it.
If the possibility arises, but I am currently satisfied with my position.
No, I’m just gonna do six years and I’m gonna stop. Saved enough in bitcoin. What’s going on?
I am as far as possible
What are you doing?
Social benefits received
You’re better than most employees! If I weren’t self-employed, I would do it.
Would you like to reach the first shot.
Better on the career manager.