Wohnung 50€ zu teuer?

Ich beziehe Bürgergeld bin 21 Jahre alt und habe ein Wohnungsangebot in Berlin bekommen, da es extrem schwer ist eine Wohnung zu bekommen wäre das perfekt. Allerdings ist die Miete knapp 50€ teurer als das Jobcenter es eigentlich übernehmen würde.

Wenn ich die Wohnung nicht bekomme droht mir die Obdachlosigkeit.

Bevor hier irgendjemand schreibt das ich arbeiten gehen solle es ist durch meine Erkrankung (psychisch) gerade nicht möglich

Was kann ich machen?

Ich gehe erst morgen zum Jobcenter

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3 months ago

With such a small deviation, you can ask if you are allowed to rent anyway and will usually also be granted – the extra €50 will go from the rule rate

3 months ago

If I don’t get the apartment threatens to get homeless.

In this case, the 50 € would be refunded from the job center. As long as an adequate apartment has been found.

it is not possible to work through my illness (psychic)

Then you do not have a right to citizen money.

3 months ago

If you can’t afford the 50€ extra, you’ll have to move away from Berlin.



3 months ago

Shield it to the job center, maybe the apartment is still approved. Or you have to pay the 50€ difference from the rule set yourself.

3 months ago

The 50 euros you will have to put on yourself – from the money that is intended for food and drink etc.

That’s okay you have to get at JC

3 months ago

You could pay the 50€ yourself. If the apartment is only slightly above the accepted costs, this is possible.

If you have to pay €50, you’d have to deal with the job center. And then, of course, you lack the money for your daily needs.

3 months ago

Sometimes they still take it if it’s just a bit over it. Sometimes you can offer yourself the amount to be paid.

It is best if you can prove that you only have this apartment as a possibility. So show ten cancellations or show costs of comparable free flats.

3 months ago

I’d ask the landlord.

3 months ago

I’m not going to the job center tomorrow

… then speak it there.

3 months ago

Then you will have to carry the 50€ yourself from your rule. What else will not work there.

3 months ago

If you have shown sufficient efforts to find a cheaper apartment, the JobCenter must tolerate this minor transfer. The basic guarantee speaks of the TATCHAL cost of the accommodation.

3 months ago
Reply to  DerHans

You make an application. If it is not approved, the opposition procedure shall apply. If the objection is not answered, the FREE way to the social court is open to you.

In the meantime, you will have to pay the difference yourself.

3 months ago

What can I do?

You simply pay the 50€ from your citizens’ money rate. At 563€ rule rate height, this should not be a bigger problem to branch off 50€.

3 months ago
Reply to  MertIs

The rule set is reduced to the minimum in life. The statement that this should not be a major problem, I find it very daring, if not three.

3 months ago
Reply to  broti0790

The rule set is Minimum *) reduced in life.

  • The Ones vote for you
  • the other You

Some citizens’ money recipient smiles about it.

3 months ago
Reply to  broti0790

The rule set is reduced to the minimum in life.

He’s not. I lived many years of so little money. If you can handle some money, you can easily get it clear.

3 months ago
Reply to  MertIs

I would ask you to live from 563 € per month. Probably you need a lot of it. Take an example to the people who come up with € 563. You can’t do that.

3 months ago
Reply to  Singuli

I would ask you to live from 563 € per month

I have lived for many years of so little (or much less) money – that is why I know very well what I am talking about and can say it with conviction. If you can handle some money, you can easily get it clear.

And no, today I give up much more – because I deserve more and therefore there is no more reason to limit myself.

3 months ago

Electricity yes, (appropriate) heating costs no. They are also taken over.

3 months ago

Everything becomes more expensive and has become more expensive.

Pardon, but I’m not stupid. Of course, I took into account inflation.

Believe it or not, I have lived much less money as a citizen’s money, with some discipline it goes completely without problems and is far above what I feel as a minimum of existence. Rather, people constantly spend money on luxury and unnecessarily and wonder that it is not enough. I can say that with conviction, because I have experienced it myself.

3 months ago

Everything becomes more expensive and has become more expensive. The sentence before civil money (Hartz IV) was too low and at the minimum of existence.