Wohngruppe mit 18?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich lebe in Bayern, genauer gesagt in Mittelfranken, und habe mich kürzlich an das Jugendamt gewandt, um Unterstützung aufgrund einer schwierigen familiären Situation zu suchen. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und mache derzeit eine Ausbildung.
Ist es möglich, dass ich in eine Wohngruppe angenommen werde? Ich will wirklich weg von Zuhause.
Yes this is possible, at least this has made a neighbor’s son here (Schleswig-Holstein). He was full-year and had a training place here. With the mother, the new man, and the little siblings, nothing left, and to his father he couldn’t go because of the distance.
He turned to the youth office and they housed him in a group.
Do you know if he needs numbers or if it’s taken over?
No, unfortunately not because I am familiar with the mother and there were also disputes with her, I have no more contact with him or her. he also broke out contact with us (he was friends with my son). This must be paid, but if you live there, for example, your child’s allowance can be used and if necessary you can also apply for vocational training aid. However, the staff at the Youth Office should know exactly this and work together with you, how to do it well.
Thanks, you too 👍
Thank you for your detailed answer and your time. Wish you a nice evening
“Young full-years receive appropriate and necessary help in this section if and as long as their personality development does not guarantee a self-determined, independent and independent life management.” (§ 41 SGB VIII)
If you do this, the youth office there must judge. And if so, the Youth Office will offer you an appropriate help. This can be, for example, a residential group.