Wohngruppe, Hobbies und Arbeiten?

Hi, ich bin 14 Jahre alt und wollte mal fragen wie es denn in einer Wohngruppe aussieht, mit Hobbies. Kann man viele haben ? Und wenn ja darf man auch Teure haben?Außerdem wollte ich noch fragen ob ich in einer Wohngruppe arbeiten gehen darf (z.B. Zeitung austragen, modeln etc.)

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1 year ago

The fewest control groups in my region allow children to keep their own animals.

Hobbies can have as many as you want as long as the school and your group obligations do not suffer. The group has a flat-rate amount for hobbies, all that goes beyond that you or your parents have to fund themselves.

A secondary job is also taking place as long as school and group obligations do not suffer from it. You can keep your entire salary.

1 year ago

You can have hobbies. Animals rather not. You can do a job, too. Where models are difficult and it can be that you have to give a part of your salary.

1 year ago
Reply to  hehe0912k

I don’t know how much this is. But there’s something going on.

1 year ago

It is individual.

Pets? No. I’m just not as sure as it behaves in small animals (fish, snails, insects, spiders, hamster, mouse).

That’s something you’d have to discuss with the home office.

Just like the Hobbies, the job “next.”

A hobby in itself is not a problem, only can one of the supervisors then not drive through half the country to compete. If the hobby would restrict the other roommates personally, it would also be problematic.

Oh and a hobby/job shouldn’t come across your own school day or training.

But as I said, these are points that have to be discussed with the home management.

1 year ago

I think it’s going to depend on the house rules. Do you have a room for yourself alone or not, how are the common spaces used, there are prescribed activities, what rules there are about going out (there are blocking hours etc.)?

I could imagine that such a thing as early-careful photo walks could be difficult if someone just leaves the house unannounced in the morning at 5. Or can’t say exactly where he goes. Extensive gaming could be possible if you already own and bring the equipment. Individual groups may then have rules regarding duration and time of day (e.g. not late in the evening in the week).

The other question is where the money comes from. If you get money from the parents or are there (in general) pocket money from the youth office, do you work yourself? We are advised about spending or can we do what we want?

Basically, you could also save a few months and then buy something for the hobby that’s expensive. Or you’d get that from your parent’s house (let) what you already own.

It should be difficult if you want to take advantage of common spaces or be enduring for the hobbies out of the house (a couple of hours each day).

The best way to read about the housing group in question is to ask at the beginning how this is regulated. Certainly, you will support a normal everyday design and of course also include hobbies.

1 year ago

And if so, you may have expensive.

If you can make sure you pay, it’s possible. The Youth Office will not finance you any luxury.

1 year ago
Reply to  hehe0912k

Use your own assets, start your parents, make grandparents sponsor.