Wohne mit meiner Schwiegermutter unter einem Dach und habe große Probleme mit ihr was soll ich tun /bin ich zu recht wütend auf sie?
Seit ca. Einem jahr wohnen wir (Mein freund und Ich) über seinen Eltern und haben getrennte Etagen , anfang des Jahres habe ich beschlossen das ich den Gemüsegarten übernehme da sie keine lust hatte diesen zu machen . Angefangen hatt alles mit den Zwiebeln und den Karrotten die sie bereits im juni einfach ohne es mit mir zu besprechen aus dem garten erntete . Heute ging ich in den garten mal schaun und sie hat einfach meine lieblings Tomate 10cm über dem boden abgeschnitten obwohl noch tomaten drauf waren…..war stinksauer und weiß jetzt auch nicht ob ich nächstes jahr noch mal den garten übernehme… habe alles selbst gekauft und bezahlt und sie reißt einfach alles aus ….☹️ was soll ich jetzt machen?
I love you taking care of the vegetable garden and taking responsibility. In my eyes, your mother-in-law should talk to you if she wants to support you or if she wants to harvest something. The question is how tolerant you are, whether you say it is no matter who has sown it, you make it available for all.
Unfortunately you can only unfold properly in your own garden and you should not spend so much money in foreign gardens. From my experience I can only say that my mother-in-law always found it nice when I finished the garden. Sometimes it was only natural. But at some point, we had a fight through a cultivation in the house and my mother-in-law told me that it is not my garden, but I owe myself when I finish everything. Since that day she needs a gardener for her front part.
I’d only look for the conversation without accusations and charges.
“At the vegetable garden, I’m uncertain if I understood you correctly. I understood that you don’t like the vegetable garden anymore, but now you’re active. How are we supposed to fix it for the future, do you make vegetable garden or do I care? If you take care of me, I’ll stick out and if you don’t want to, I’ll make a vegetable garden, but also alone. Two people at the same time is not good. “
As far as possible, it is also clearly heard by everyone on the coffee or breakfast table.
We had already made this so that I would take the garden… but it just rips out everything… what should I understand this time is only in the oktober ..
Then I would return the care of the vegetable garden and no longer take care of me. It doesn’t help.
It’s never been that she cares about the care, but only renowns what she needs and I’m doing everything else 🫤 funny that makes her so stupid … I never do that again …
Don’t do anything your mother-in-law has done is disrespectful. Vll. can you take a Schrebergarten somewhere else?!
They ask why she did this; that would be a start…
My problem is just that I’m afraid I freaked out because she always makes such things and I’m totally mad at her 🙃
mother-in-law and wife of the son are natural enemies in free wild and both fight for the same prey; the love of a man!
What does your partner say?
Thanks for your comments think a lot about it to 🙈
Old and young already works when mutual friendly respect prevails and no small war….
It’s very complicated because the house will then belong to my friend he doesn’t want to get away from here ….I’ve got some problems with her art ☹️ old and young in a house is heavy 🤯
I think you two will do more distance to the mother-in-laws very well! If your partner doesn’t understand, you should think about how you want to live…
He’s always annoyed by that I’m so excited about her 🙃 and says I shouldn’t get so excited but I can’t put my heart in the garden and she’s ruining everything.