Wohne in der Schweiz und fühle mich nicht so willkommen?
Bin Kurdin. Stört euch das wenn ich in der. schweiz lebe?
Bin Kurdin. Stört euch das wenn ich in der. schweiz lebe?
hallo , wer von euch ist schonmal im Juni in dubai, abu dhabi bzw generell in den VAE gewesen und mag mir bitte darüber berichten? ich würde da gerne anfang juni hinreisen, da ich früher keinen urlaub bekomme.. nun zu meiner eigentlichen Frage, mir wurde gesagt, dass es dort sehr heiss sein soll, aber gleichzeitig…
Falls das jemand kann würde ich mich super freuen
Welcher Ort wäre zu empfehlen wenn man dorthin zum ersten Mal reist?
Sodass das Fahrzeug ab dieser Geschwindigkeit keinen Fortbewegungsenerie liefert. Denkbar ist außerdem, dass Modelle mit GPS oder Verkehrszeichen Erkennung die Geschwindigkeit innerorts auf 50 km/h drosseln. Alternative könnten Fahrzeuge die die Zugelassen Geschwindigkeit überschreiten eine elektrische Meldung an die Polizei abgeben, sodass strafrechtlich nach dem Halter gefahndet werden kann.
Jemand hat heute früh eine zweier Packung TK Pizzen gekauft. Heute Mittag hat er eine gegessen, ein Happen Schoki aus dem Adventskalender gegessen. Nach dem Abendessen beim Film schauen kommt dieses Verlangen – wird er nochmal eine reinballern? Ist es dumm?
I don’t care where you live. You have to feel comfortable with your place of residence and not me. Many people feel comfortable in large cities – for me this is n albtraum
No, I don’t mind. 😊
NO, it doesn’t even bother me when you live in D (supposedly, you don’t scare my children with a full-enmation à la Niqab!)
ABER: Mach’ You don’t mind: Swiss don’t like foreigners especially – you like, among others, no Germans – except their money of course!
… I live very close to the Swiss border and get this quite regularly.
really?? This is no rushing whether curdin I am not the only one experiencing racism
No, it doesn’t matter – foreigners are suffering in Switzerland only if they bring a lot of money and leave it in Switzerland;) – But they are still not liked;)
I don’t care that you live in Switzerland. 😁
It wouldn’t bother me, would you live in Germany?
On the contrary.
A not insignificant number of my closer acquaintance consists of (mainly alevitic) Kurds m, w, d.
This resulted, among other things, from the fact that the leaders of one of our citizens’ offices in the city are alevitic Kurdin, and I am one of your ‘governmental’.
In addition, her son made an internship with me in the company, and my younger son visited a measure from her.
Sympathy was and is present, so that we also maintained and maintained our good acquaintance beyond these things.
Thus we gradually met the other family members of us, and also partly the respective group of friends and acquaintances.
In Switzerland, I made some of the experience that I myself, as well-paid holidaymakers and Germans (except in the accommodation establishment), did not like to be seen sooo.
But I also had very positive experiences in Ticino.
When I arrived late in the evening a few years ago and said I could pay in a restaurant with euro, the host refused to give me something.
(Fortunately I had asked before)
It was only about 1.2 🍺.
When I wanted to go back, one of the regular guests invited me.
AND: did not even take the counter value in € from me.
Thank you!
Thank you.
I’m sorry you have to have such experiences. He was mentally probably somewhere in the middle of 18. Century.
(1) Most Swiss do not know the difference between Turks and Kurds.
2) In Switzerland trainers need to make contact. Among other things, very good language skills are necessary.
Those who do not meet these requirements will not be very welcome.
It doesn’t bother me at all.
Thank you.
It’s normal in Switzerland.
What do you mean?
I don’t care where you live.