Wohin würdet ihr auswandern wegen Steuersystem und anderem?
man hört in letzter Zeit oft von den Problemen und Schwächen des deutschen Steuersystems und als aktuell junger Mensch in seinen Mittzwanzigern macht man sich auch Gedanken. Auch weil viele meinen, dass man auswandern sollte.
Wie sehr ihr das und wohin würdet ihr auswandern? Wie würdet ihr euch organisieren, damit man gut versorgt ist für sie Zukunft? Oder reden alle nur Blödsinn und man sollte in Deutschland bleiben?
Könnt ihr mir helfen?
Depends on the circumstances. The question is what you want to achieve with an emigration. There are many places in the world that offer a more fair and cheaper tax system for the citizen. Only you have to ask yourself is that the only thing a country is? You don’t use low taxes, for example, if there is hardly any work for it or if the living conditions are otherwise very bad.
The other question is, what can you offer? Switzerland is, for example, quite anxious to taxes and quality of life. Only you have to offer a lot if you want to work with a Swiss company as a German, because jobs will only be awarded to a foreigner if no Swiss can be found for the job. At the same time, one must like the country, culture and people.
There are good reasons for emigration as well as good ones. This is very dependent on the person and the circumstances. Generally, people tend to find the blame for their own dissatisfaction elsewhere and taxes are the first means. At the same time, everyone also wants to do nothing for more money.
Thank you for your answer. I think you woke up a lot. I’ve seen all this a lot lately. Known at the side tables in the restaurant, in internet, etc.
Many say that you work more, have more responsibility and spend more time in your work, but at the end only 400€ more merit, because the state eats most of the money through tax matters. It is also seemingly difficult to start as an entrepreneur in Germany or to build a company. And much more.
I don’t know all this, and that’s why I want to learn. I’m still young and I want to direct my life in the right direction.
But how do you see that? It is possible to build up here in Germany as a single prosperity and to prepare for the future, because the pension system for me will have great problems today.
Can you also give me general advice on life? Work, study, prevention, family, etc
Such things change over and over depending on the government. Wouldn’t be a criterion for me.
I can’t remember that any government in Germany would have moved a lot on the subject or that there are realistic prospects for it without driving the rest of the wall.
Yeah, you usually keep going until it hits the wall. And then there is a turning point again, because the population is no longer involved or the system can no longer carry it. This is true in every policy, because politicians are usually opportune to corrupt and the populations are relatively patient.
The question is now whether you want to align your life according to the most convenient tax system, which means that you still have some emigration. Or whether you have other priorities that may be more important for individual long-term happiness.
Thank you again. Everything you say has so much hand and foot. You really help me. So you think I should go all-in? I don’t want to disappoint my parents or me. I don’t want to make a living for my passion. I don’t want to regret anything.
How do you see that?
It is always useful to look for an intermediate path where both are compatible.
The lifestyles and mentalities in each country are very different. I think you should take a few weeks vacation in every country to see how you feel.
As a proposal, I would also add to the South of France. They are quite chilled due to the rather Spanish weather.
It may also be useful to look for German settlements / mediation that may support you. You’ll probably find forums for this.
In Germany you will find film and art schools and courses of various forms. I’d start there first. And in parallel you could do a part-time job or a simple training. Maybe in something that has to do away with making movies. For example, as an operation in the cinema or something.
To your parents, I honestly wouldn’t give so much if they put stones in your way and demotivate you. You just have to stay ground and understand that you can’t have everything right away, but you have to work it step by step. Then it’ll work.
Wow thank you very much for seven-poor. That means a lot to me and really helps me.
Can I ask you a few more things?
What do you say to Spain? What do you say about South America? And what do you mean to Scandinavia? And England?
Besides, I’m burning for movies, books and stories. I’d like to work as a director, filmmaker and writer. But my parents say/find that I should only do this as a hobby. I’m not going to be able to live with it and not to provide a family.
If I’m going to do this or how my parents say something right to study and maybe something happens at some point, so I can tell my stories.
Sometimes I just feel like I can’t do it when I don’t go all-in. But if I do, what if I can’t make it and can’t live it? It seems to me that my fate decides
Every generation had their difficulties. Otherwise, nothing can be flattered at all, since every person has other living conditions, opportunities, priviliia and problems.
As far as this is concerned, I would advise not to look too far outside. In the USA, the homeless and drug victims are stacking. There are kilometer-long rows of tents on citizens, because many can’t afford to do anything anymore. Absolutely cruel. They’re going to fall right in the next few years. Between Eastern Europe and East Asia there is a lot of war and a lot of hearts of fire that can still be warned. Even all the islands in the area of Russia, China, Africa could be included. You never know.
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, I actually consider the best options. You don’t have to learn a new language. The education, health and social system is still relatively well intact. Of course, very burdensome. But apart from some regions, it’s really okay. Food supply is still available.
In terms of energy technology, it could become regionally difficult. If we complete the memory ned, there will necessarily have to be regional shutdowns by hours. But with thick clothes, this is also feasible.
In addition, these countries do not have an appreciable powerful millennium. This is not a really millitarian goal. Germany is still the most married to Ramstein and so on. But nobody cares about Austria and Switzerland.
If you have any friends or relatives in the country, I would just move away and then see how everything develops.
As far as the profession is concerned, just give simple advice. Do what you enjoy. Because if you enjoy something, you develop a passion for it. And who has a passion for something naturally wants to develop there and will always find what he can do.
Thank you for your answer and I see a lot like you. But maybe I let myself be crazy about the fearmaking. But do you think that one (especially my generation) will get difficulties in the future and it generally has difficulty building prosperity, building businesses and providing for age?
Can you give me some advice on life? Occupation, work, study, family, precaution etc.
The following answer does not replace tax and legal advice and does not represent it in any way.
Spain: Double tax agreements with Germany
Bear in mind: If you already own a company, have shares in it or have a significant asset, it can be deducted.
Thank you for your answer. Have you had any experiences? Can you tell me more about this? I’m still young and still at the beginning of my life. How would you do that? What do I have to pay attention to?
Can you explain this agreement more precisely?
I did research on the Internet because I wanted to emigrate. I looked at various countries for this and Community law, Community law, Community law, Community law, Community law, Community law, etc. The information is available on YouTube for example. I can’t explain the agreement in detail right now, but the tutorial on the subject is available from different people on YouTube.
If you are Dubai especially irritating, then please look very carefully these Factors to:
Climate, price developments, freedom of religion (exercise outside of Islam), housing topic, transport, foreign health insurance + its terms and conditions!, visa, residence permit + conditions, entry permit + conditions, cost of living, work permit, …
Many thanks for this
Of course, here I am home
Stay and try to deal with the situation as best as possible.
Colombia but not due to taxes
About the ties there?