Wohin geht die von Mitochondrien produzierte Energie?
Es geht um das Zusammenwirken der Zellorganelle… Produzieren Mitochondrien Energie für die Stoffwechselprozessse innerhalb der Zelle, z. B. Umwandlung Pro-Insulin zu Insulin in einer Drüsenzelle… Oder wird das ATP “nach außen” abgegeben?
to cover the energy requirement of the cell. Since mitochondria, for example, can obtain more than 16 times of ATP from the degradation of sugar (glucose), such as the cell, the absorption of mitochondria as endosymbiontes has once proved itself.
In the meantime, mutual dependence is so great that we cannot do without mitochondria. It’s just that we’re breathing, so get air. We do it exclusively for them. Because they need the oxygen to achieve a high ATP yield. So we have also created the entire bloodstreams (aders, capillaries) for them. Conversely, the mitochondria could hardly leave us because a large part of their genome was transferred to the cell nucleus. Therefore, if you were to isolate them, they would be immortal and depend on the environment of the cell which ensures the production and delivery of the required proteins. LG
Could one say greatly simplified: With the help of the cell nucleus, mitochondria can produce ATP which is “the motor” of metabolic processes in the cell?
that with the cell nucleus was only one edge mark to subdue the dependence. Mitochondria already have a few genes for proteins of their respiratory chain, as you can see here:
This treasure, the cells don’t have.
You can say Mitochondria are the “force works” of the cell. Engine, maybe gasoline. The ATP is also the “energetic change money” of the cell. Every energy-consuming metabolic pathway, must be supplied with ATP.
Thank you very much.