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2 years ago

Basically, in Germany, any cash inflow is considered illegal, whose legal origin you cannot prove.

Also, all your money has flowed away somewhere else and if this was with another entrepreneur, it can be relatively easy to prove.

2 years ago

Have you ever heard of the audit?

The FA already has certain tools that it can use.

For example, it can calculate your sales by comparing your goods purchases with the goods sales and determining the profit margin between them. If there are inconveniences (e.g. if you sell something you did not book as a purchase), you can also have a so-called. This is a form of tax evasion. You’re punishing yourself.

Operational inspection is also possible.

Or what’s going on: A BP takes place with your customers and your FA is informed about something. This is also checked.

2 years ago

They have comparative values. Goods must be sold in an industry-standard ratio. Other costs are also considered. In case of doubt it is estimated.

2 years ago

That’s what other people tried before you and fell on the snout.

You then have to falsify ALL so that it fits together again. Up to electricity consumption and other costs.

Years ago, they have taken up a hairdresser who has booked 1000 haircuts per year – but every year spent 5,000 pieces of crepe claws ðŸ ̃‰

2 years ago
Reply to  Highlands

and then there was the pub owner with the 10 garbage tones. They got him for money laundering.

2 years ago
Reply to  jgobond

and the restaurant owner who has barely bought meat, but every year mountains of spices and frying fat – which has been enough for 10 times the amount

2 years ago

As long as you unwind everything in BAR, theoretically yes! If it runs through accounts, no chance. It’s criminal.

2 years ago

Yeah, you can. If you don’t give income, that’s tax evasion.

2 years ago

Yeah, that’s a crime. And the FA is not stupid.

2 years ago

You can make an audit of your account.

2 years ago
Reply to  Strolchi2014

If shopping doesn’t match sales, it’s already clear.

2 years ago
