Woher weiß paketbote wohin ein packstation Paket geht?

Hab ein Paket in eine packstation ohne Drucker gebracht. Da druckt der Bote ja das etikett wo wird denn dann abgelesen wohin das Paket geht es gibt ja kein Display an der Station. Habe alles in der App eingeben und eine Mail bekommen .

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6 months ago

Without a valid send number, you do not get the compartment from the packing station. So you do it in and our Zebra scanners are connected to the packaging station via Bluetooth and basically work like a smartphone only with scanners.

Our label printer print and then the label and we stick it to the package.

6 months ago

The station knows what compartment you put the package. The carrier then has a device itself (probably a tablet) on which it sees the data. It doesn’t need a screen in the station.

6 months ago
Reply to  Manu1337272

He has a handheld scanner and printer