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By going to the driving school and looking at the corresponding rules.
Everyone has to adhere to the rules, so everyone has to make sure he knows the rules. Something like “I don’t know what’s allowed and what’s not” doesn’t work. Then you shouldn’t have gone.
By the way, all traffic rules are freely available on hundreds of websites for reading. Anyway, for the people who know what an internet is.
It applies to legal proceedings. Say, you’re on the right track.
The left track (and the left-hand 3rd track) are pure overtaking tracks, which can only be used for overtaking.
We have a right-handed command to overtake you to switch to one of the left lanes on several lanes, for example on the highway.
This is what you learn in the driving school. You always drive right unless you want to overtake. Then turn left.
keyword: right-handed
Your question is interesting if you don’t know when the theoretical exam is up. Otherwise the StVO.
Go right or take a ride. Left only to overtake
Don’t start like that. Go right when it goes. Mid-lane slippers are terrible for traffic flow and often trigger dangerous situations.
And yes, I know the paragraph with “on and off.”
Yes good for me is also right
Wrong, just right. There’s the right-wing command. The middle lane has to be free when no one is on the right, because the middle lane is also one of the “left” tracks, you are only overtaken.
I knew but I meant right or middle because right are usually trucks then stop driving
Yeah, you’re at least 50% of the car drivers.
at least I know left track only to overtake
Yeah, maybe not even start talking about a subject you don’t know about.
13 btw. I am not a medium-purchase 🤣🤣
That sounds like a medium-track sneak…