Woher weiß ich wie ich in eine Flughafen-Lounge komme?

Ich habe von Frankfurt einen Codeshareflug nach Singapur mit Lufthansa für Singapore Airlines. In welche Lounge kann ich dann? Welche? Wo wird mir das gesagt? Was brauche ich für den Eintritt?

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2 years ago

With a Business Class ticket for a Lufthansa flight, you can actually get to any Lufthansa Business Lounge and the Star Alliance partners. When you enter, your boarding pass is scanned. You have to show your passport.

There are several Lufthansa Business Lounges in FRA. You can practically get into each of these. Which is closest to your gate, you will find the check-in switch for the baggage task.

An overview of all Lufthansa Lounges in FRA here:

In addition to LH, Air Canada is the only Star Alliance partner that runs a lounge in FRA – the Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge. Their opening hours are based on the schedule of AC. According to AC, the lounge closes at 4:45.

2 years ago

Hi, so you booked with SQ, but fly with a LH machine? I would taste primarily in the LH Bussines Lounge, and I’ll probably get a LH boarding pass. You need these to get admission, which you already pull directly at the checkin or you have them digitally on your phone. If the LH Lounge doesn’t work, then probably the Staralliance Lounge.

2 years ago

There is only a first-class ticket in a lounge.

2 years ago
Reply to  SARO1953

It’s not that easy. The access rules are partly somewhat confusing, especially for all Lufthansa Lounges (Welcome, Senator, First Class and Business).

Here the individual access rules are well broken down. Even with the Amex Platinum Card you can enter individual Lufthansa Lounges.