Woher weiß ich, was mit dem Bruch zutun ist?
In einer Frage hier, wo Schuhgrößen wichtig waren, ist mir etwas aufgefallen: Woher weiß ich denn, wann ich mit dem Bruch was mache?
Oder haben sich Mathemathiker darauf geeinigt die obere Schreibweise in größen Formeln nicht zu benutzen?
2 1/2 is common as a spelling, but actually contradicts mathematical rules:
2 1/2 = 2+ 1/2
Advantages should not be omitted (multiplication mark at Varaiablen but already: a b = a*b)
That’s why. This was mentioned so explicitly at school seemingly neiamls. Vllt. wa rich on that day too.
I’ve always talked about it. Name “mixed spelling”.
However, I also had a colleague who ignored it because it was “mathematually wrong”.
No, not at all!
What do you mean “ignoring”? Did he deliberately treat her “false”?
Add: 2+1/2 = 5/2 = 2.5
Yes, see here: Mixed numbers – kapiert.de
But I lack the distinction.
The upper is a spell not to use the mathematicians.
Why do you learn this at school? So I think at least to remember that we’ve learnt the whole thing about it, shortening it.
I don’t know why you’re learning this way, I think it’s an intermediate step to break billing, but I think it’s more confusing. But in some professions this spelling is probably also used.
Also for certain shoe sizes :D.