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Each vehicle has a user manual – that’s in it.
This is in the user manual and in the service booklet
This results from the maintenance plan.
First question:
Are “big” and “small” inspections planned by the car manufacturer for this car type? Or is there simply a standard service?
Second question:
Is there a big and a small service in this car type – what was last done?
The simplest way (with the risk that something unnecessarily complicated will be woken up to you, therefore only to recommend if you really trust the workshop master): question in a car workshop after, after specifying the year of construction, mileage and date as well as working scope of the last service (yes, these data are absolutely necessary to find out. You won’t come to see the last workshop bill.
The more complicated way (then you really know yourself, and are not dependent on truthful answers from other people) is to research in the service checkbook of the car, in the user manual, or if necessary in a service plan (which you can get in every car manufacturer’s contract workshop, if necessary for a few euros). Somewhere it is written, after how many years and after how many kilometers traveled, which services are to be made.
In some cars, for example in many VW models with an extended maintenance interval, the “small service” (only oil change and few controls) is not fixed rigidly after years and kilometers, but is calculated by the vehicle’s on-board computer based on the operating conditions. Many cold starts, many short distances, or very high load = shorter service interval, only long distances with gentle driving mode = maximum service interval.
There is a “service lift” for this!
Usually you can calculate it. The first inspection is at 15000km. The first is a small one. 15000km later, a great inspection will come. 15000km then another small one. Or a big inspection every two years.
Under a small one I understand an oil change and the rest is looked through. One big is an oil change, brake and clutch fluid change, air and interior filter change and additionally all 60,000 km spark plugs change when it is a gasoline. every 5 years a change of cooling fluid and, according to the manufacturer’s specifications, every 140000 km a toothed-belt woollen and every 180000 km a reduction of gear if it is an auto-driven vehicle.
For example, at Renault you have to do the workshop according to the Table ( sometimes depends on how much you drive) ask for your car or download it at MyRenault after you registered there with VIN.
My car tells me…
Go to the workshop of your trust
Either your car shows you, or it’s in the service notebook when it is filled out regularly, or your workshop knows.
that tells you the workshop