Woher weiß ich ob mein BNP abgeheilt ist & ich schwimmen kann?
Ich habe mir Mitte September ein Bauchnabelpiercing stechen lassen, und würde gerne im Januar in eine Therme. Muss ich zum Piercingstudio gehen um zu wissen ob es abgeheilt ist oder kann ich selber herausfinden ob es das ist?
If there is no bit of red, no secretion or crust comes, the jewelry can be moved without moistening easy – then it is probably healed.
Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)
It is a little red at the top puncture site, but already 4 months old, and does not hurt at all or anything else… Can it still be cured?
Apparently not if the upper puncture site is still red.
If ‘s moist and secretion comes from piercing then it is clear – not completely healed.
Okay. It was just weird because it looked damp and yesterday it was just that
It looks more like a curse or shit.
I once added a photo to the post
I don’t think I got the one from Piercingstudio 🙁
Green? That sounds strange – can it be that the jewellery has dyed?
I have another question… Was in another piercing studio yesterday to ask if I really can… She meant yes. Only came today when I wanted to cultivate the piercing (with a cotton swab full of sea salt water) a bit of green. If it wasn’t dirt, I’d tap a secret. Can I go anyway?
Expanding it so early is dared – usually you stumble a BNP with 1.6 and stay with it. But one does not stretch it under 6 months, so it does not surprise if it is still irritated. Whether it is cured well enough for the spa is not definitely possible to find out online.
I recently stretched it because my previous staff was thinner and I wanted to change the jewelry. My piercerin still meant I could go swimming with it… Can’t I?