Woher weiß ich, ob ein Arzt auch gesetzlich Versicherte annimmt?

Ich bin gerade zum ersten mal auf der Suche nach neuen Ärzten, da ich umgezogen bin. Schreiben Ärzte für gewöhnlich auf ihre Internetseite, welche Patienten sie annehmen oder ruf ich einfach mal an und stell die Frage als erstes?

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2 years ago

Go to any page where you can find doctors and arrange appointments, doctolib or so, for example, there is always which doctors treat only privately or also cash patients.

2 years ago

There are traditionally “all cash registers” or even only some cash registers – yes, there was actually that doctors did not treat all patients of all statutory health insurance companies – sometimes there is also clear private practice or the like; and if the doctor has an internet presence, it will usually be very clear when the only private insurer takes.

2 years ago

It’s usually on his practical sign. But also in its website

2 years ago


This is on his practical sign….or in his homepage.

In case of doubt, you call there and ask.

2 years ago

You just call and ask.