Woher weiß ich den Standort meines Pakets?
Habe ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für meine Oma bestellt, und jetzt konnte es angeblich nicht zugestellt werden. Ich war zuhause. Woher kann ich jetzt wissen, wo der Standort von dem Transportdienst von DEPOST ist? (Siehe Bild)
Ich brauch das Paket nämlich dringend.
Amazon refers to DEPOST broadcasts delivered by letter from the German post. As far as it fits into the mailbox (not only theoretically from the dimensions). This is also done in terms of the degree of filling.
(a) A booked delivery option requires personal delivery (e.g. registration). Then there’s a note in the mailbox.
(b) The recipient has entered into a contract with the post that letters are kept “post-bearing”. This is done permanently or temporarily (e.g. while on holiday). This can also be specified in the recipient address.
What is shown in the DHL tracking?
DEPOST stands for Deutsche Post Standard and means nothing else than sending the mail as a mailpiece with the Deutsche Post and thus simply landing in your mailbox.
Maybe she didn’t fit in a mailbox.
You can use the consignment number of the DEPOST shipment that Amazon reports on an order to request directly from the mail about the remaining shipment. That means you just go to the next post office and ask.