Woher weiß Ibuprofen, wo der Schmerz ist?
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Ich werde morgen geimpft und ich habe Angst das was passiert weil ich schon einigermaßen geschlechtsverkehr hatte also ich hab ihn einen geblasen und er hat mich im ar… gef…..
Seit 23 Jahren Schmerz Patient täglich 500 mg Morphium oral. Polame… Soll wesentlich besser sein und die Wirkdauer wesentlich besser
Beispiel: Amphetamine bei ADHS. ,,Kokain und Amphetamin sowie Verwandte wie 3,4-Methylendioxymethylamphetamin (MDMA/Ecstasy) oder Methylamphetamin (Crystal Meth) haben eine hohe akute kardiotoxische Wirkung, die plötzliche Herztodesfälle, Herzinfarkte, tödliche Rhythmusstörungen und schwer beherrschbare Kardiomyopathien einschließt.” Eine Kardiomyopathie kann dich noch Jahre nach der Exposition mit der Substanz entwickeln.
Ich nehme Quetiapin jetzt seit zwei Tagen jeden Abend einmal 50mg. Wenn ich morgens aufstehe bin ich immer noch so müde. Ich habe etwas paranoide Gedanken, dass wenn ich draußen unter Menschen bin, fühle ich mich in Bedrohung weil denke dass mich alle beobachten und ggf. über mich lästern. Wieso bin ich morgens immer noch…
Ibuprofen doesn’t care. It just works everywhere.
Pain exists only in the brain. There is also the ibuprofen. That means Ibuprofen just tells the brain: hey you’re wrong, there’s no pain.
Ibuprofen does not work in the brain… It acts in the tissues in which prostaglandins are currently increasingly produced. And this happens where the pain or inflammation is, because prostaglandins are inflammatory mediators. Ibuprofen inhibits an enzyme that is involved in prostaglandin synthesis (cyclooxygenase I and II). And this enzyme inhibition occurs on the affected tissue, not in the brain. Opiates and opioids (like morphine, fentanyl…) act in the central nervous system.
I want to give you the most helpful answer, but you should write it again as an answer
The active ingredient dissolves and spreads in the body.
but how does he know where to go and where the pain is?
The active ingredient affects your pain sensation, so it acts mainly in the brain.
ibus inhibit the general perception of pain, not specifically your acute pain.
No, another false answer, I’m crying :’) Don’t mean bad, but why do you write things you don’t even know if they’re voting? Your answer applies to opiates and opioids that modulate the perception of pain in the central nervous system, but NSAR as ibuprofen have a peripheral effect on the inflammatory tissues.
Ibuprofen inhibits the COX enzymes. This leads, among other things, to the loss of pain perception and pain sensation.
thanks to the
With headaches, not the brain hurts, but the brain skins (the brain can not hurt as it does not have nodentities), or there are muscle pain (in case of injuries also bone pain). Pain of the cerebral skins or the neck muscles, as well as pain from the big toe, are transferred to the CNS only over a much shorter path. I.e.: noxic stimulus: outside the CNS, pain sensation: only arises in the CNS (in case of chronic pain it is another story). P.S. I must improve, the COX is also active in the hind horn of the spinal cord (in case of pain irritation) and in the hypothalamus (in the context of the fever development), so in fact Ibu also acts in the CNS. Nevertheless, I would not say that Ibu “generally inhibits the perception of pain” because it would be necessary to intervene in the descending pain-modulating system, as opioids do.
why does it help with headaches?
The cycloocygenase inhibition inhibits prostaglandin synthesis, but this takes place peripherally in the inflamed tissues. And peripherally there is no pain sensation, which takes place only in the CNS, and there, for its modulation, would have to be taken into various transmitter metabolisms or into the endogenous pain inhibition of the CNS, as opioids do. The cyclooxygenase has no influence on this.