Woher weiß ein dna Test welche Nationalität ich habe?

Ich bin libkurdin , ist kein richtiges Land. Daher weiß ich nie ob ich jetzt Libanesin , Türkin oder Kurden bin. Ich will ein dna Test machen aber frage mich ob er wirklich weiß woher man kommt wenn ich nur meine Spucke oder so einreiche

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1 year ago

What you are in the ID. Everything else is bullshit. There’s no DNA test for that. You have to ask into the Third Reich before 1945, who have practiced this. ;

10 months ago

I’m Lebanese but I look Asian. No one comes on that I’m Lebanese. It’s because my mom’s ancestors come from Asia somewhere. When I see my uroma on photos she’s 💯 Asian and no Lebanese. I don’t know if I should believe these tests. I wouldn’t go crazy.

1 year ago

I can’t. The DNA is the building instructions for your body. And this building instruction comes from your ancestors. You can test whether you had Chinese ancestors, because the other features than Africans, for example. But Kurds, Lebanese, Turks, they are too much. There is no difference

1 year ago

Where you come from, the DNA test doesn’t know, it just tells you the composition of your genes. The highest rash is most likely.
I don’t know, but maybe in the future, if you know more about genes and have more data.

1 year ago

Nationality does not measure such a DNA test, as samples of your DNA will be balanced and an estimate delivered to how much percent your DNA matches that of others

1 year ago

The DNA consists partly of information that is completely discarded and have absolutely no influence on the person. Since they are not subject to any evolutionary pressure, they are a relatively good indicator of relativeity. If people in a religion have similar non-encoding DNA sections like you, you are related to them.

1 year ago

In the DNA all the features are ‘stored’ that make you feel. So also those who are specific to your descent. This can be tested to a certain extent and thus determine how much percent you bear the genetic material of which origin.

1 year ago
Reply to  dergee

DNA knows no nationality. Or do the genes know the boundaries xD

1 year ago

So no but no, I didn’t have a better word. In any case, it is quite possible to determine if one has genetic material which is significant for e.g. West Africa or forefront Asia is or something.

Well, then there is the Or-Neiße gene, the Rhine gene, the Vosges gene, the Aufdensack gene, the shopping gene, …

1 year ago
Reply to  dergee

In fact, it is more precisely the sections that do not store features that are used for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  jort93

What do you mean?

1 year ago

Amazing. Again what learned…

1 year ago

These are the parts of the DNA which do not encode properties but are only inherited.

The sections of the DNA inherit the real properties, such as hair color, etc., constantly mutate and are also subjected to a selection pressure and thus change. This is evolution.

The sections of the DNA, on the other hand, which do not encode properties, do not have to change because they are completely irrelevant to survival factors. Because these areas do not encode properties they change significantly more slowly, but are still unique to the family.

It is therefore possible to use these sections, which are actually no matter what evolution is and are simply copied and can thus determine relationships over many generations.

1 year ago

Some of the DNA has no function. Junk DNA

If DNA has no function and yet is the same, this is a clear sign for year’s relationship. Because there’s no evolutionary pressure. If, on the other hand, its piece dja that has a function is the same, it can also have been the parallel development.

10 months ago

Let your identity crisis be what you feel

1 year ago

Because certain dna occurs in certain regions, it can say exactly where you come from