Woher stammen die Begriffe “Rabenmutter” oder :” Rabenvater”?

Hallo ihr lieben, mich interessiert woher der Begriff”Rabenmutter” stammt? Vorher hat mich das nie interessiert, erst seit meine Schwester vor Jahren mal zu mir meinte, warum das so ist, weil Raben seien ja gute Eltern. Warum also sagt man das? Weil die Raben sind doch bestimmt gute Eltern, oder hat das mit den vögeln nicht zu tun?

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4 years ago

In 1350 this expression was mentioned for the first time. It is a misunderstanding. As the young birds leave the nest very early at the ravens, they seem helpless. But they are not at all, they are still being supplied by their parents. But that was not known at the time and so the expression has become naturalised for parents who neglect their child.

4 years ago

Medieval superstition. There was the raven of the messenger of death and death. Today you know the raven very lovingly care for their youngsters

4 years ago

Because ravens have to leave their nests early. Although they cannot fly independently. They then plump on the ground and are still supplied. The ravens have actually earned the term wrongly.

4 years ago

if you care. A Youtuber has once reported about a girl that has fed the ravens in the garden of the parents with nuts and any time the ravens have started to put jewelry in the nuts. Knowing such gratitude has really impressed me