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This is the idea of seals such as “Bio”, “Demeter”, “Bioland” and the like, which then stick on the packaging.
Depending on the seal, someone must have gone and looked at how the producing farm works.
Otherwise, it’s a personal statement, so an assertion that you can adhere to the relevant criteria… but that of course is checked in a random manner. And that’s stupid for the producer when he glued a bio seal where and someone shows that it wasn’t justified.
It is never 100% to guarantee whether something is organic or not. But there are indications that you can consider:
Pay attention to trusted seals such as the well-known organic seal Demeter, Bioland or Naturland, as they may always be called.
Origin and transparency:
Regional providers are more likely to provide clear information on where what comes from, and at least this has a more trustworthy effect.
The price is also usually somewhat higher, since the production is more complicated.
These are at least evidence that can help. Also, the common sense sometimes helps. A product at a sensational low price can somehow not exist in organic production.
I solved the problem in this way: by a private outdoor gym:
…and the other side, so that’s enough:
That’s like so much different trust thing.
Anyone who does not know the characteristics themselves (which apples is or whether it is organic) must rely on information on the packaging etc.
To bio there are various seals that control the plants that use the…
= So inform yourself to Demeter etc.
Or you do it yourself, have your own garden, buy wild meat, or at the farm shop of the organic farm you know…
There have been EU regulations for the labelling of organic products since about 1987, which have been regularly strengthened.
According to MUSS, everyone who produces ecofood is at least officially authorised. to control every two years.
There is no eco-promoting in Bavaria without an annual control certificate.
In Bavaria, authorities (Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft) also watch over the precision of control bodies.
I.e. goods from German organic farms are quite fine. Social control also works very well here. Here no organic farmer can go out with fertilizer spreader or poison syringe – the phone calls to the authorities come immediately.
In the more distant countries, for example tomatoes or oranges from southern Spain or Bulgaria, it looks clearly dubious.
I am often not sure what organic, fair-trade, genetic engineering-free & co mean. You already have an idea, but what exactly stands for it or what is to be done to wear these seals, you have to research.
Vlt may be called bio-meat if the only condition is that the animals get bio-food?
Unfortunately, you can’t control it. It’s not always organic when it’s organic.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Hello this is guaranteed tested in the laboratory, otherwise you can’t control it
No one knows that and no one will know.
Then sticking the bio-seal somewhere is such a flashy little thing that no one can check it out.
There is on the pack or on the sales shelf
And you believe everything on the packaging
Yeah, always.
If you knew what organic is according to the law, you would ignore bio.
It’s not like the mafia…