Woher kommt der 1/2 bei der Spannenergie(Formel)?
Ich habe in der Schule das Thema Spannenergie und muss in einem Praktikum die Spannenergie Formel herleiten aber ich weiß nicht woher die 1/2 kommt
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Was passiert, wenn man bei einem zugunfall genau wenn der Aufprall geschieht im Zug springt. Weicht man so nicht den Druck aus, der auf einen einwirkt und kann dadurch überleben?
If one wanted to calculate the energy consumption, if one simply pushes a lawn mower, then it would apply:
Energy = Force ∙ way or E = F ∙ s
But not when you spit a feather. Then the spring force increases with each centimeter clamping path. We therefore have no constant force over the whole path, but a linear increase. Consequently, this time the energy is also to be calculated from the area under the force curve over the path. But the area content now has the shape of a triangle. Thus we only have half the area content of the corresponding rectangle. See picture:
The derivation of the 1/2 in the formula for the clamping energy is based on the basics of work and energy, in particular on the integration of the force over the path to calculate the done work.
The factor 1/2 is in almost all energy formulas.
In simple terms, the energy is the area under a curve (integral):
If one assumes a linear increase (e.g. force or path), the hold gives the triangle which is exactly half of the rectangle:
Work = Energy = Force times Way
E = F * s, geometrically the whole Rectanglebut only if the force Constant was!
When you press a spring, the force increases linearly with the path.
That’s why it’s just the triangle.
Actually, the sum of all infinitely small partial right corners from respective force times the respective path gain F*ds.