Woher kommt das?

Viele auf reddit haben eine relativ erfolgreiche Karriere in Programming. Sind aber trotzdem Ständig Broke, und sind total Einsam.

Ist es weil sie zu Nerdig sind, und keine sozialen Skills haben, und weil sie alles wieder für Konsum ausgeben?

Oder wie kann das sein, dass die teilweise 100k verdienen (in den USA) und trotzdem broke sind?

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10 months ago

As you have already said, it is possible for them to spend their money again for consumption/spass/computer. It’s important to share the money well.

That the programmers are lonely could be due to the fact that they spend more time with their work than they are suffering from their social skills.

In the United States, as here too, there is an extreme inflation, so costs the houses and apartments also much more. Not to mention the cost of a university. The average house costs $400000 in the Usa. If you do 100k in the year, and half already for drugs, hobbies, and eat on it, there is hardly anything left for an apartment(no house) that would cost a lot. In addition, the university debts

10 months ago
Reply to  Griseri99

No, that’s not true. Zb is a university degree for programming not necessary, drugs are also not necessary. These things could be dispensed with, and their money, as I said, should be better distributed. And 100k a year is something you can build a lot if you have the skills and the will.

10 months ago

I think it’s life