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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Depends on what drugs it is.

In 2021, German breweries produced more than 80 million hectoliter beer. Certainly, some of them were exported. Beers from different parts of the world were also imported at the same time.

Coffee comes mainly from Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Peru, Honduras, India, Uganda and Guatemala.

Cigarettes seem to have been imported mainly from Poland. Inland, however, they are also produced.

As for illegal drugs, you can find a lot of information in the following links:

2 years ago

From the other side of the large pond, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, for example. Depends on the drug. You better not take that first.

2 years ago

Heroin usually comes from Afghanistan.

Grass mostly from Holland

Cocaine mostly from Mexico or Colombia.

2 years ago
Reply to  lolgera

Of course, they get caught

Of course not all are caught as much as smuggled you will never get all

2 years ago
Reply to  lolgera

that comes over the container ships, of course well hidden. then usually lands in holland and from there it gets to DE

2 years ago
Reply to  ldontknow

Or Peru