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A loudspeaker has zero bit and as much Hz as the signal that is fed in.
The maximum value only indicates how much Hz the loudspeakers get drastically quieter. This explicitly does not mean that it can no longer reproduce this frequency.
An extract from the standard (DIN 45500 ff):
6.2 Transmission range
A rectangle is drawn in in the transmission curve such that
a) the transmission curve at the frequency limits defined by the rectangle is by 10 dB lower than the height of the rectangle; and
b) the rectangular surface is equal to the surface which lies in the transmission region below the transmission curve.
In general, the two conditions are not fulfilled in the first step, the solution must then be improved stepwise until sufficient accuracy is achieved.
You mean the sampling rate and bit resolution at digital sources?
Humans generally hear frequencies from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The hearing power, especially at the heights, makes up at the age.
According to Nyquist-Shannon-Abtasttheorem the sampling rate should be twice as high as the highest sound that occurs in the piece of music.
Let’s assume that the music you want to hear is up to a maximum of 20000 Hz. Now we double this frequency and get on…well? Exactly 40,000 Hz. The next possible value is 44100 Hz.
So, 44100 Hz at 16 bits, that would be CD quality.
Higher frequencies than 20000 Hz only hear bats, but no more human.
Hearts are usually on it, but what are bits, in this context??
Greetings and a beautiful weekend!
Z.b 16bits, 48000hz
16bit 48000Hz is an indication for digital audio tracks, how high the sampling rate is and how many information variants are possible per sampling. Speakers operate analogously with a frequency range and a resistance value. These are two non-comparable data and irrelevant to each other…
Sorry, I don’t understand.
Again, 16bit has NOT to do with speakers. This is the digital quality of audio data. Then the DAC (digital-analog-converter) comes and then an analog signal goes into the loudspeaker. A loudspeaker has no bit since it does not work digitally. Only digital connections work with bit. You’re trying to compare two different pairs of shoes.
The only thing that would be relevant here would be the type of digital binding, and how dissolving the DAC works (sound card, BT module with built-in DAC for headphones or BT speakers…)…
A loudspeaker has a rated frequency range that he can return. for example 20-20000Hz. More than 20000Hz hardly hears a sound because it’s so high that it’s getting into the ultrasound range.
But this has nothing to do with 16bit and 48kHz sampling rate, which is given for example in audio streams or audio files…
I mean I want to buy tidal hifi abo and there is 16 bit quality and on my speakers who can play
In addition, this is relevant, for example, in the case of BT speakers, as the digital signals are first transmitted before they are then converted into an analog signal usable for the loudspeaker. This means the quality of the digital transmission. There follow BT bindings but typical specifications and protocol standards (Codecs). These are readable on the Internet or should possibly be in the technical data of the respective BT speaker…
ah, you mean believe Ohm!
This is the resistance of the speakers.
There are data sheets for each LSP. What you mean in the context of bits does not reveal to me.
If you ask DAS, there is no need to tell you what.
You couldn’t start with it.