Woher haben die Leute alle so viel Geld?

Immer wenn ich durch so Designer Einkaufsstraßen laufe und die Leute immer so viele Einkaufstüten von Louis Vuitton etc. haben, frage ich mich woher die so viel Geld haben? Oder generell wenn man zum Beispiel auf der Kö ist dann sind da so viele mit teuren Autos unterwegs..

Ich bin zwar selber noch Studentin, aber dennoch fühle ich mich dann sehr minderwertig weil die Leute ja offensichtlich irgendwas wissen und irgendwie Geld machen???? Oder sind die vielleicht irgendwo selbstständig oder haben irgendwelche anderen Business modelle

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6 months ago

Where did people all get so much money?

Who says they have that. You don’t see people in the account. Ggf buy that on pump, or it’s fake, or it’s the only expensive particles that have.

There are absolutely people with a lot of money Z. B. Oberärzte, CEO of companies, etc.

People who either inherit richly, tend to have their own very well-run company or income millionaires.

But not everyone you see with something expensive is also part of it.

Whenever I run through such designer shopping streets and people always have so many shopping bags of Louis Vuitton etc., do I wonder where the so much money has from? Or in general, if you are on the Kö for example, there are so many with expensive cars on the go.

Cars can be leased or even cared for as companies and that you see above average many rich when you’re out there where Gucci and Co are sold is clear. It’s just a road in a whole town that is targeting rich.

I’m a student myself, but still I feel very inferior because people obviously know anything and make some money???? Or maybe they are somewhere independent or have any other business models

There is no reason to feel inferior just because any Nen status symbol drags around.

As mentioned above rich inherited, extremely high position in a company, own well-running company. … Or hold it is the only expensive particle you have or you buy on pump.

I just looked. Luis Vuitton is unnecessarily expensive but not inaccessible expensive. 3k for ne handbag 1 or 2 times a year is also possible for the middle layer if you prefer to place the focus on it than on Z. B.

So if you insist on it, you’ll probably be able to afford it after graduation.

6 months ago

What has expensive shopping can do with the value of a person? Think about your mindset!!! Best of all, from head to feet. As a student who asks such questions, you are probably not on the way to be able to shop expensively during the day.

That many people become rich depends on the absence of major crises and the falling number of people. If we had not lost two wars in Germany in the last century, there would be much more rich and super-rich people. Now that’s 75 years ago and it develops.
Wealth simply arises: a couple builds up something – no matter how – and even if they are only average, they leave something to one or two children. An apartment, a depot or something else. The child starts with something and continues to grow up. I don’t know anyone else.

Now we don’t let them be average, but craftsmen. One builds up something, maybe buys one or the other apartment, naturally has reserves and if it runs normally, you already have the first to buy expensive. There are millions of craftsmen and small businesses. Of course, all restaurants, shops and chains belong to anyone and there is a lot of rebuilt every day. In addition, the larger companies. If you employ more than five people and it’s going well in the meantime or all in the family, the family is rich. Of course, farmers of all kinds who sold the building land or work. Agricultural backgrounds will have many in the expensive shopping streets in the morning.

The next generation then has the money and perhaps the genes to continue. But above all, they have more time than their parents.

But of course, this also works with all doctors, lawyers, many employees (especially in sales, but it is earned very well everywhere!) and even better if people have no children or just a child. If one of the children is married, it is also enough for two to be sufficiently rich that you can spend a few thousand euros in this way. It’s a lot of money.

The shops would be much fuller if all clothes and outfit were important. Now that comes with the mindset, second part. Many are rich! but not all feel comfortable in expensive designer clothes. In expensive cars much less and expensive houses in best position for five million it should have been going pretty well somewhere (or at some point). In Germany. There were no wars lost elsewhere, there were hyperinflations, socialism or communism (also enemies of prosperity for many).

Exceptions are of course those who never had anyone in the family who came to money. Usually this happens mainly because whole parts of the population have been educated so that money is spent. A late sequence of two hyperinflations in the last century that have set all savings to zero. Of course, there will also be many who feel that they belong to their “shift” so that it would be inappropriate if they were to come to money, which is why they would rather give it away than put it on (a kind of box-thinking). In addition, those who put everything in an actually too big or expensive house or have bad luck. The old people are often old (100 years?) and still live on their money when the children are already retired or deceased. With a bit of luck, they have grandchildren who then inherited an ancient house at 50, so shortly before retirement, which hopefully wasn’t washed away from any brook.

If you’ve all read up here, you can now choose why you’re wondering that so many can buy expensive and you don’t.

6 months ago

You’re rich. Often it’s old money. It’s only rarely done.

6 months ago

I was recently on the island of Elba. There are many ports and there are many yachts standing around. I’ve also wondered how they’re getting so much money. There must be a lot of rich people who can afford such a yacht. Nevertheless, I do not need this, because what I have is enough for me and I can afford everything I want, because I do not have such high needs. I don’t have to be one of the super rich. It’s enough for us to be okay…

6 months ago

There aren’t so many streets. There are exceptions.

6 months ago

You can’t judge that. Some of them aren’t rich and have all the money for shopping and some can afford it and don’t worry about money.

6 months ago

Some have saved for a long time and see that the money is becoming less and less worth, so they are now spending it.

6 months ago

A little bit. (Kredit – Self-sufficient ….)

6 months ago

They know how to get credit on the bank. In today’s time, however, a high risk for the bank. There are many who then do not know how to repay the loan.

6 months ago

This is not the cross-section of the population. Such people occur there naturally in unusual accumulation, which distorts perception.

4 months ago

money alone does not make happy

6 months ago

The real poor (Rentner, people who have to work for half a minimum wage, citizens’ money recipients, sick people) are not seen in such streets.

6 months ago

It’s a fool. Thick cars you can lease. Overall, the Germans have become significantly poorer.

6 months ago

You did it.

6 months ago

they are all onlyfans owners

6 months ago

let your studies be over then you belong to these people,if you set it right

6 months ago

Most go work and earn money.