Woher bekommt man das Felgenschloss?
Weiß jmd wo man genau denn herbekommt?
Oder einen der auch passt?
Der auf denn Bildern ist abgebrochen. Ist wieder zusammen geschweißt aber geht trotzdem nicht mehr.
Brauche denn nurnoch einmal um die letzte Schraube rauszubekommen danach mache ich neue Reifen mit neuen Schrauben drauf
Brauche aber Sosein langes Stück ein kurzes passt nicht hab ich schon versucht.
that is already a “own building”, rim locks RAD in Bruchsal or the finished “after-key” after image/muster you need a “macro-fit” camera with a fixedly adjustable scale.
And every “automatic mechanic” (that is, not the mechatronics) can substitute a defective lock or the missing nut in a few minutes if the eh then moves into scrap. This is often so simple that you crack the cheap types faster than when used on the official tools. This is, of course, “secret knowledge” otherwise Felgenschlösser will become even more worthless/senseless when everyone can crack things in seconds. “Böse” are the original locks of Porsche or Daimler Benz there you need more than 2 minutes and makes noise
But you may go to ADAC and ask if you know how to get the screw down.
Welding doesn’t bring anything. Then you have a weld and then you can throw it right into the ton.
At the manufacturer of rim locks
I don’t know where it is. Used tyres with screws
Then stop and replace the rim locks by normal screws
If you don’t have a car that is worth more than three years and more than 30t€ and not every rim minimum 300€ in the new purchase is unnecessary
Do you have in each rim only rim locks??
Yeah, but you don’t get stuck with the screwdriver because it’s broken
In which you turn the other screws back in
How am I supposed to drive a screw in the tire?
Drive to the tyre dealer around the corner, who will surely have ne solution
Me too, but they’re nothing for home use
Yeah, and how should I get them out? Rims I want to sell are expensive. I already have new normal screws and new rims 3 tires are already on it but because 4 I don’t get on it. You can’t drive anymore because only one screw is in it
In itself with the manufacturer company of the rim locks – often also with the vehicle manufacturer.
Otherwise, in the construction market there are such attachments for screws with a doll-driven head to be able to turn them out – so I could possibly imagine that it works…
Edit: Tire dealers often have different attachments there -maybe such one is borrowed from the deposit…
Maybe something like that works:
Zunate Mother Remover,Stainless Screw Remover Extractor Bolt Remove Set Locking Socket Tools Kit Special Screwdriver Set,10 pieces,9-19mm https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07J6NDZV4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_8tY.Fb6HVT2YR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
at a tyre dealer we have already asked them not. The one on the left does not go because I need an elongate because of the rim a short fits not
Or something?
At YouTube there are videos again on the topic Rim lock crack – Maybe this will help you?