woher bekomme ich die m²-Größe des Baulands auf meinem Grundstück?
Ich möchte die Grundsteuererklärung für ein Mietshaus ausfüllen und werde nach der Grundstücksgröße gefragt. Das Flurstück ist mit 2,5 ha riesig. Nur ein kleiner Teil ist Bauland, 2 ha sind Wald. Da muss ich doch dann sicher nicht das ganze Grundstück als Bauland eintragen? Aber wer sagt mir, wieviel m² des Grundstücks Bauland sind? Katasteramt, Liegenschaftsamt, Grundbuchamt oder wer?
Danke für Eure Antworten
The property catastrophe has a descriptive part which is currently publicly accessible in the federal states, mostly under a basic tax viewer. There the area is then listed, which is the building land.
With us in Brandenburg there is probably not this basic tax Viewer. And the one in Lower Saxony shows only the ground level. But interesting is the side of everything. Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
I have also spoken to the (completely revised) tax office employee. Here is how to proceed: The pink areas in the information portal for property data (possibly = land tax viewer) are building land. This is actually intended to be measured with the tools/area measuring tools present there and entered in the basic tax statement.
But now something is coming for me completely new: The rest must be explained under an extra agricultural AZ. I have already wondered such an AZ and myself that the FA has summarized both my small field and my forest lying elsewhere. And exactly there I should also enter the forest or land parts of the residential property.
Since I should also declare the basic tax for a GbR and an heir community, I need 2 extra new file characters.
I think I understand now.
You give that to what the building land is for you…
…the more realistic this is (even the 5,000 square meters I don’t get huge for a house…) the less the tax office will question or fix something else…
Or have you (not) previously been divided into the basic tax decision or in the underlying unit value decision?
Comes to the federal state…
…at us the value of the house has been decisive, now it will be the size of the plot…
that was not evident from the unit value decisions. The basic tax viewer is probably decisive, where the building land is pink coloured.
And there are partial basic pieces differently colored?
I don’t know any such 2.5ha areas where I could look, know only completely or not colored…
From the Single Value Decision
A joke.
Thank you. The m2 construction land is not on top of my unit value decision. I’m gonna call the worker, but if she knows, the problem is solved.
I could add some pictures of EW-BEscheiden here, from which of course clearly the size of the plot.
But you’ll surely find them on Google.
Okay, I’m sorry to want to explain something to you. The questioner does not get the size of the building land from the single-value decision.
The gray thing – but it doesn’t have to know an ex.
Of course, the values are still valid.
What is that?
Lach – and these files still remain in the main file? No.
To the main exhibition 1935 and 1964 all owners.
And how many people with EW decision gave these explanations? The least.
You talk like the blind of the color. Where else should the statements be filed if not in the file?
EW shares are created in the rarest cases.
No, with single-value files. That’s what I’m saying.
And this “business audit” deals with pre-set permanent documents?
In my first 20 years of work, I was a senior financial officer in a senior financial management and in this capacity I conducted audits of the subordinate financial offices. It’s surprising for you, but you don’t have to judge quickly.
Of course. What else? The neighbor?
Bravo – now also knows who’s silly.
An Immo dealer has but thousands EW decision seen – and the Easter bunny is the grandpa of Nikolaus.
Me too. Too bad you learned nothing from it.
Albern is the one who says silly – I am not – but I have seen thousands of EW decisions.
I’m not interested in your stupidities.
Aha, so there’s never something to sell,
square meters is m2. This has never changed.
It’s about the square meters. When they changed, there was a new one.
I’m not the one who asked. The modes are completely ageed and depend on the conditions of 1964 or 1935. What do you want to know about the current situation?
I don’t have your EW decision – my logically looks different.
How does your unit value decision look like?