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8 months ago

The name “Natternkopf” of the plant has something to do with flowering. 🐍

The flowers look like the head of a natter. The single blossom reminds of an open snake vengeance from which the dust vessels protrude like a split tongue. 🐍

This is not the only explanation for the name.

* Coloring: In the past, plants were often named after their color. The flowers of the Natternkopf can be blue, violet or red, reminiscent of the colors of some snake types. 🐍

* Folk medicine: In folk medicine, the natal head was used against snake bites. They believed that the plant could cure “equals”. 🐍

It is possible that all these factors have contributed to naming.

8 months ago
Reply to  igelhaus

No, this is the green Natter, the snake. 🐍

8 months ago
Reply to  odderanders

Thanks for the 🌟 nchen.