Wofür stehen die Zahlen?

Hallo Leute, ich möchte gerne ein kleinen Einblick im Bereich Forex Trading schnuppern.

Ich habe leider keine Ahnung und bin blütiger Anfänger und habe mir natürlich auch Videos ectr. angeschaut. Tut mir leid für meine Frage aber die Zahlen wofür die stehen die? Die Menge oder wofür steht? Ich verstehe es nicht.

Ich freue mich auf eure Antworten.

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10 months ago

What is there is virtually the maximum difference you want to pay between the amount you have specified and what you really have to do for the transaction – is called Spread.

It’s a bit more insane in currencies because they never fluctuate so strongly, but with shares it can make sense.

While you will get a price from the stock exchange, it may be that it is still “hidden” up to the point where your stock is actually taken off by someone else.

And this can lead to a price difference that you can “limit” here.

If the price around XYZ is worse than that you have shown, you don’t want to buy/sell anymore.

Sometimes this is also the reason why one should act at the opening times of the XETRA stock exchange, as the markets are the most liquid and the spread is therefore low.

9 months ago

This is the so-called lot size.

Grobly said, with the Lot Size you determine how big the position you open is.

Therefore, you should always use a lot size computer.

If you need help with trading and someone who trusts you more with matter, I can help you, I don’t sell a course or any other crap, just want to pass on my knowledge.