Wofür mit Ende 20 noch Maturieren/Studieren?
Wofür sollte Ich mit Ende 20 überhaupt noch Maturieren bzw. Studieren (Studienberechtigungsprüfung)? Zumal das Berufsbegleitend ein ziemlicher Aufwand wäre und auch etwas Geld kostet (Geld im Sinne von Schichten die man abgeben muss) und jede Menge Freizeit die man opfern müsste.
Ich verdiene auch ohne Titel schon etwa 42K Netto im Jahr und habe relativ viel Freizeit, also wozu noch Freizeit und Geld opfern?
Maybe because you don’t like the current direction or the professional field or because you just want to go on.
But I am also strongly insecure whether the master is what for me. Especially because of my psyche and for financial reasons. My Bachelor is also a few years back.
I like my current actuating field very well, earn quite well, have plenty of spare time and look into a good future with more pay.
I actually thought about it at that age, but I left it. I would have wanted to be a professional school teacher, but I would have spent too long with studying – then I would have been 35/36, that would have been too late for me and I have already earned very well at that time, so that I could not have maintained my usual standard of living – and a double load would not have been possible.
You can still make yourself. There are also people who create this next to a full-time job.
Haven’t had enough school, I wouldn’t have a bump.
Because studying marine biology or Zoology would be interesting, I would have this opportunity.
Oh God I think I need to sleep urgently, I have actually read up instead of maturating masturbating