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Hey clear,
I have heard that Vaseline includes the moisture of the skin, so I wear it after the eye cream.
The same applies to lips, can be used as lip care.
Then I’ll use them when I shave my eyebrows. Just for protection.
I wouldn’t just put such a thick layer on my face, that’s counterproductive.
At the best you can still use it as a highlighter, so Marilyn Monroe has already made it ^^^
Vaseline is still used for this (Recherche):
And then there are all possible uses for Vaseline in industry.
Love greetings
Thanks for the star
For example, for the cork in woodwind instruments.
With Vaseline you can lubricate plastic parts that rub together. You can also rub and use sealing rings in ice machines.
For a lot. Except for sex also for lips, skin and even for hair.
Even a bicycle chain can be lubricated with paraffin oil, because nothing else is Vaseline.
Yeah, that’s right. I’ve only been referring to the body because I’ve never used it for anything else.
Cycling or sex .