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1 year ago

You can do anything with it.

You have access to the data stored on the network with all devices, so you can also stream movies, music and the like. You can even do externally when you are on holiday, or wherever.

You have virtually its private cloud and can access its data from anywhere, set automatic backups for all its devices.

For example, I have run my entire monitoring system over it, so for example cameras in the house and everywhere on the property, including recording. All about home automation, or smart home teeth can be merged and controlled there.

It can serve as a web server or mail server, as a Linux terminal, download manager, you distribute DVB-T signals, use USB devices with any PC on the network, and and and…

1 year ago

I can save it all on my computer,

You can.

What if you now have several devices to access the same files? And what if your computer isn’t supposed to run forever?

Then a NAS is a possibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  clownfish803

Can and is usually so thoughtful. Needs significantly less power than a normal PC.

1 year ago

A NAS is always useful if you want a) to have the data not only available on one device (then a cloud drive could also help, but see b)) or b) to make data available centrally for several computers/persons.

Or just as outsourcing for backups, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  ohwehohach

A NAS is not a medium for backups. Backups are kept separately and are not kept permanently available on the network. There they are a found eating for every encoding strawberry and therefore worthless.

1 year ago
Reply to  Xandros0506

I don’t mean backups in the sense of “recoverable and secure”, but in the sense of “I don’t need the data right now on my fast internal SSD, but it’s enough if I can open it from the NAS or re-copy it as needed”.

Apart from the fact that a NAS can be a suitable medium within a multi-stage backup strategy as long as Full Backups are stored separately.

1 year ago

If the data is to be available on multiple devices and as backup