Wofür arzt gehen?
Ich überlege ob ich zum Arzt gehen soll wegen der verdammten schürfwunde. Ich kann seit einer Woche nicht mehr laufen, die Wunde ist immer noch nicht mal ansatzweise geheilt trotz Pflaster und so und meine ferse tut einfach weh beim Laufen, ich kann einfach nicht mehr normal laufen. Aber da stellt sich mir die Frage, was bringt es zum Arzt zu gehen? Der kann doch auch nicht wirklich was machen oder?
Eventuell ist hier irgendjemand Arzt und kann mir helfen oder sich das ansehen, ich müsste sonst zum Arzt mit Schmerzen laufen..
Of course, the doctor can do something.
For example, clean the wound, write down medications or ointments that support the healing etc.
Did you provide the wound correctly, so disinfected and glued with a sterile plaster? A plaster alone on it is not enough. There must be no sweat or something in the wound. Besides, there must be no pressure from the shoes.
If you don’t know how it goes with the wound care, then ask in a pharmacy, maybe they will do that even if you’ve never had a wound before.
If that’s overridden, go ahead and go to a course of the DRK, which may also offer.
And go up there with flip-flops or sandals until this is cured.
I’m really crassed that you don’t learn at school!
I washed the wound and glued a special wound plaster on it. But it still doesn’t matter. And the pressure with the shoes can’t be avoided because I have to get out every day and I don’t have other shoes. In my pharmacy, only one of them does not even work properly German and I already had first aid curs. Sandals and flip flops I don’t have one.
Then you can’t expect it to heal.
It’s up to you to change what!
Go to the pharmacy, get appropriate creams for disinfection (e.g., iodine-salbe) and sterile patches closed on all sides.
I always do it with me when I have a wound.
Thank you.
Then you just have the wrong one, or you just treat it wrong. Normal wounds usually heal best in the air. If it doesn’t go away then go to the doctor.
I’ve already gotten into the pharmacy wound plasters and creams, but somehow that doesn’t bring that.