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If you treat yourself respectfully with your fellow human beings.
In which to live before the children
By respecting them.
so simple and yet so difficult :
That’s exactly what it looks like.
Like everything else best by model. Starts taking their feelings and needs seriously. This is gradual respect and whoever does not know will never be able to give them.
By respecting them and others.
Children copy adults. In her social behavior. It’s called Model learning and is pre-programmed at the biological level by so-called mirror neurons.
Through her parents and other relatives.
You bring it to them where you live.
By feeling them by parents and other people themselves when they are respected with their wishes and needs.
Respect should always be on both sides
Children need borders,
which are respected.
👍🏻 The limits of the children do not respect for many parents… 😔
… but even demand respect. 🤦🏻
And wonder when they get “respect” by force.
Good models.
I guess that makes them respect.
By treating them with respect. 🤷 ♂️ knows every child.
But unfortunately not every adult.
yes, there is no parental licence. Or regular audits for executives.