Wodurch kriegt man seine Periode schneller?
Heyyy, ich bin in ca.1 Woche 14 und habe meine Tage schon mit Ende 11 bekommen. Ich habe sie immer -3 Tage oder so also wenn ich die am 27.04 bekomme, sollten sie am 24.05 kommen.
ivh habe sie letzten Monat am 27.06 bekommen. Ich war auch vom 03.07-17.07 in Griechenland, vllt wegen wetterumstellung und so. Aber ich würde sie jz gerne bekommen, weil wir die erste Woche nach den Ferien auf Klassenfahrt sind und ich auch noch Geburtstag habe und andere Termine wo ich sie ungern hätte. Ich will nicht irgendwie die Pille oder so nehmen, eif nur wissen durch was die jz kommen würde, Hausmittel oder so
danke für die Tipps und wenn ihr schreibt, dass es ganz natürlich ist und so, dass weiß ich, ich will nur Tipps, damit die schneller kommen.
I understand that you’d like to have your period before the vacation and your birthday. Sure, that can sometimes be really annoying! Women’s problems.
So, there are some things you can try out to get the period a bit earlier. But one thing I have to say is that there is no 100% safe method, and ultimately your body decides when it is. Here are some tips:
First, try to reduce stress. Sometimes too much stress can cause the period to be delayed. So enjoy some relaxation and do things that make you enjoy.
Second, sport can help! Through physical activity you can influence the hormone balance, and this can sometimes stimulate menstruation.
Then there’s the good old heat bottle. Put them warm on your stomach, that can promote blood circulation in the womb and perhaps speed up the period.
Some people swear on ginger or chamomile tea to regulate the cycle. Maybe you like to try this?
And yes, there are even those who say that pineapple can accelerate the period. Sounds funny, but hey, it’s worth a try!
But as I said, these are not guaranteed methods, and it can be that it doesn’t work. Don’t worry if it doesn’t work. Your body has its own timing, and that’s totally normal.
I hope it helps a little! Good luck with the holidays, the birthday and everything about it! You pack it! 😉
Small fish
Thank you
You can’t change that. Your period depends on the ovulation and when it comes back regularly, it was already. You can’t get her faster
There’s nothing.
There are no domestic funds for this.
Just live so that you have a period and be glad that it is a quite reliable one.
There isn’t. You can’t influence this at short notice.
There are no tips for this. No domestic funds. Easy.
The period is hormonally controlled.