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1 year ago

Since vodka is the spirit that is most “clear”, i.e. almost has no taste at all when mixing, you can take it for almost everything. Also for mango juice. Then basically tastes like mango juice with alcohol.

If you don’t exaggerate it with the vodka, it’s also delicious. Vodka with orange or vodka with Maracuja juice are actually almost classic in tropical juices or long drinks. So why not go with Mango??

So that the fruit is still properly tasted, it is usually mixed as a long drink in a ratio of 1:3. So 4 cl vodka and 12 cl juice.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

I think that works. Try it. If you are too strong, you can start with a little less vodka. So three parts of liquor on four parts of juice.

I don’t know what this is for if you want to make a party and how many of these long drinks are drunk in the evening. As vodka has relatively little taste of its own, it is quickly underestimated because the long drink tastes relatively sweet and fruity. (and still has more alcohol than the same amount of beer.)

1 year ago

The best is the mix. 70 grams of vodtka and 30 grams of orange juice. And then tilt to ex. You do that several times? And if you can still stand after a while, you’re a hand-resistant caliber. Otherwise, just a ridiculous big snout.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

This is the Russian way to drink vodtka. You have to. Otherwise you’ll find your legs when you go out.

1 year ago

That’s right. Absolutely right. Remember to eat something hand-resistant before. I said hand-resistant. So best bacon with bread. Meat with bread. Oil curtains with bread, massive. You can keep up with the Russians, it won’t throw you around. The least know this topic here. I know.

1 year ago

Safe delicious 😋