Woder bekomme ich einen günstigen Motor für mein Motorrad?
Hallo Leute,
Meine Kawasaki er 6f ABS Baujahr 2009 hat einen Motorschaden, bedeutet, Kolben kaputt, Ventile etc, es muss ein komplett neuer Motor her.
Weiss jemand, wo ich einen gebrauchten Motor günstig erwerben kann? Online, Händler etc kennt jemand eine Seite, einen Anbieter oder.ä?
Liebe Grüße
ebay displays
Bike parts
I wonder if it would not be better to sell the parts of the machine and buy another motorcycle. The change of the motor alone costs a lot.
Just looked and saw that you can get an intact ER for good 3000€ 🤷🏻
Changing a complete engine is much easier than to disassemble it (so he must get out anyway) to overtake (DAS is difficult) and then to reinstall it.
But you need help, as a two-cylinder already weighs a few kg; a workshop manual (e.g. due to tightening torques) and you yourself or the second person should be an experienced screwdriver.
Whether this is financially worthwhile depends of course on the costs of the engine, the value of the motorcycle and the effort of the change.
Good luck!
I don’t think he means cutting the engine, but running the machine into individual parts.
Right, I’ll let the whole thing change from a motorcycle workshop. They also meant that it is much cheaper to retrieve a complete engine instead of replacing everything individually. They could, of course, order the engine themselves, but mega cost stop. This is the only way to get paid out the working hours they thought
Thank you for your effort. If the workshop had spoken, that would be relatively normal from the price of the labour costs, would not hurt me in the sense and would also be profitable. However, I have to find myself a motor, order, buy etc. I need a source for that. If someone had a hand that lets spare parts come from Poland for much less money, however I also seek alternatives..
I looked this morning too. However, this is a good piece more what I want to spend in general also at the same time with the costs for the new engine etc. and I hang on my bike..
Yeah, I’ve got to figure it out. You once told me the pure aebeat time and once the + if you order your own
Ökwechsel is too late..
Make sure you make an estimate; they can predict the times they need quite well and then it will show if it is worth it.
Other: In my machine is a very similar motor; that is considered to be quite durable – what happened?
Conveniently you will get anywhere at Ebay & Co., there are zig offers.
Why don’t you ask in a motorcycle forum, you’ll get more informed answers than here.
I would, however, spend a little more money on a machined engine with a guarantee.
If you can’t screw yourself, I think the whole thing is a total economic damage.