Wöchentliches kiffen führt zu unstillbaren Hunger?
Ich kiffe jetzt schon seit Monaten alle paar Wochen mal, es geht nicht um die fress flashs beim Trip. Es geht darum, dass ich seitdem ich das mache auch außerhalb des Trips immer mehr Appetit kriege. Liegt das daran oder einfach daran, dass ich fett werde und Sport machen sollte?
There are various causes for (more) hunger (as otherwise). If cannabis would play a major role outside the acute effect, it would be strange. You could exclude that by forcing a longer period of time. In doubt, you can visit a doctor.
If you are in puberty – in physical and mental development – then the increase in appetite (also without cannabis use) is a natural process.
Nevertheless, sport does not harm.
In some contemporaries, puberty lasts up to 25 years of age.
This is because if you are hungry, the hunger can of course be changed or the appetite can be changed by unhealthy eating.
Who knows? I only had the first ciff experiences long fressflashes, later no more.
Maybe you’re not just gonna eat something in you symbolically. You don’t need drugs.