wo zeichne ich ein ampere – ohm oder volt – meter ein?
( 3 klasse gymnasium ) wo zeichne ich messgerät in schaltkreisen ein ?
( 3 klasse gymnasium ) wo zeichne ich messgerät in schaltkreisen ein ?
Servus ich wollte fragen wie sich der Strom Ig I1 I2 I3 und die Ug Spannung und Die wiederstände R1 R2 R3 verhalten wenn Schalter s1 schließt. Steh gerade auf dem Schlauch danke
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You can enter where you want to know a value.
With Amperemeters, you need to make sure that you don’t make a short circuit (switch between where the current flows anyway), ohmmeters are not recorded, but the resistors are labeled accordingly. They are used outside the complete circuits to exclude faulty currents. Voltmeters have no limitation, but they interrupt the current flow and are connected where no current would flow.
Here is the difference between a series connection and a parallel connection.
And the connection of voltmeters and amperemeters
Amperemeter always in series, voltmeter always parallel.
what is in line?
Didn’t you pay attention or is the teacher a plum? The latter is not necessarily excluded. I had a physics teacher who killed every pen scale.
In series Means it goes from the lamp(consumer) to the meter and only then back to the power source
Parralel would be externally connected before and after lamp
Ps MIr has not hidden the comments
That’s another example“3 class gymnasium”
https://www.leifiphysik.de/electrizitaetslehre/electrical-grundgroessen/grundwissen/circuit-von-messgeraeten#:~:text=electrical meters%20immer%20in%20 series,induced%20voltage drop%20du%20m%C3%B6chtest.
If you are so smart and attend a gymnasium, you should also know what “in series” and what “parallel” is. A series connection of light bulbs is, for example, a light chain, i.e., a row. If the light bulbs are connected in parallel, all the lamps lie parallel to the supply voltage and thus not in series.
What do you mean?